Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I'm Alive.

and well.

just a check-in.

Be back soon...


Girl Talk puts on a gawt damn good show. His blends/"mash-ups" are effen cray-cray. He's freakin' cray-cray himself! I must say that was prob. one of the most exciting and fun shows I have been to in a long time. (thanks CG)

I'm looking forward to my lover, Maxwell on Saturday. hahaha.

3 musical artists I want to see before I die or before they die:

1. Stevie Wonder
2. Prince
3. Maxwell


Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I Miss Her

So...I was LPing for Womyn's Studies...(doing a unit on Voice and what being a Woman of Color means...) and I stumbled upon a woman who I grew up listening to...and looking up to....

I remember chillin' with my "homegirls" back in middle school and playing "Next Lifetime" over and over in one of the homegirl's bedroom....we would sing it with our eyes closed, head tilting side to side--- acting as if we were really feelin' Badu's soul. lol.


I always wondered how she had two cool brothas in her life, Dre and Common... and they let her go...or she let them go...or it was mutual.. or she's just cray-cray like that... that's always a mystery.

Next question for you all:

Which do you think was a better album:

A) Baduizm
B) Mama's Gun

I'd have to say that I slightly like Mama's Gun better... Although I love Baduizm... But for some reason, I can really play every single track through on Mama's Gun.... and really say, "ugggh... yeeeahh.." (as every track drops) haha.

off topic: Obama just knows how to break down complex issues in a way that everyone can understand and connect to.

Sunday, October 5, 2008


As much as I don't want to admit this... LIFE is about budgeting.

And in the midst of the financial crisis in this country and within this state, budgeting is the only thing we can do right now...

(Which, by the way, in my opinion, proves capitalism, the economic system that the US prides itself in since its inception, failed us...has been failing us...and has not been brought to "public attention" [aka gov't attn.] attention until the top 10% is feeling its claws)....

Crazy as this sounds, if one does not budget some time to do some budgeting, one will realize how crucial the conscious act of budgeting is! ha.

For the past months, I have been trying to budget. This is a difficult task, but is most definitely imperative in adult living!

I hate to see the end of the month. I hate to see the end of the month because I slowly see my monthly allowance deplete... My regular utility bills and rent take an early bite and I eat fairly well during the beginning-middle month...and then my hungry ass loan takes the biggest bite in the end of the month... I see how my meals begin to differ from the beginning of the month to good ol' PB & jelly sandwiches or tuna. Luckily I don't mind it, I actually dig the PB & Jelly...and tuna.... But I realized I really need to be much more mindful of my spending... Scraping off a few dollars here and there goes a long way...So I just need to be smarter... I even changed my calling plan just to save an extra $20. I really need to stick with grocery shopping and/or cooking throughout the weeks rather than going out to eat...

Which then brings me to another dimension of budgeting. But before I go there, I want to talk about something else real quick. ha.

This lifestyle, though I know others/most have it worse than I do, is what makes Obama appealing and the candidate of choice. His platform, his rhetoric, speaks to folks with this dilemma. How can one NOT gravitate towards his platform? At this point, in light of our economy, how can one NOT want change?

Ok...back to budgeting on a personal level.

Cooking is also another aspect of budgeting. I've got to budget that time to cook. Cooking indeed is cathartic (which, is also important for crazy ass workaholics like myself), but it does take time to clean and prepare food, wash dishes, etc. etc. Of course cooking is a lot healthier and cost efficient, but not as time efficient... But I guess I really have to budget time for that!

Health. So to maintain a healthy living, I need to budget time for running again. I have not been able to find a consistent schedule of running since school started. This is also crucial. But where can I fit running before the sun goes down? I stay after school to grade and LP...by the time I get home it's dark... I'm tired.. and if I want to cook... where on earth can I budget time?

Friends. I love my friends. I miss my friends. And one must budget time for that. I know I have not been so great at that for the past month. And one way I can spend time with friends is sharing a meal with them, which of course again is usually/always is going out to eat... Which again brings me back to my first dilemma of trying to cook... But if we're tired from working, going out to eat is the best option...

Budgeting, a necessity, but a challenge. Anyone have any tips?

Saturday, October 4, 2008

The 'hustle': 1st month check-in


It's been a month since the 1st day of school. It kicked my ass in many ways. I've been trying to figure out why this first month of teaching seemed more challenging than my other two years of teaching. I thought teaching was supposed to get "easier" by the 3rd year. Apparently I feel that I got worse...or something like that. I find myself lesson planning up until the bell rings... I find myself making copies during lunch...I find myself lesson planning to the end of lunch... I just find myself STRAIGHT HUSTLIN.

Day after day I've been reflecting why my days feel like I've been constantly trying to pull myself out of quicksand. Day after day I reflect upon why I feel like I'm not teaching to my potential. Day after day I reflect upon why it feels like "learning" is not happening in my classroom....Day after day I reflect upon what makes this first month different from my other "first month" the past two years.... and all I can come up with is that I friggin teach 4-5 different subjects. This is insane.

I start off my day with a 9th grade advisory class where I teach the adorable young "fresh out of middle school" students "the 'path' to a successful high school career." I feel like this is a crucial class because I've noticed that the 9th graders really do take in everything the teacher says as gold. I am ultra-conscious of "setting a good example" for these students... I am ultra-conscious of following through with my instructions and discipline...bc I do not want them to cont. high school thinking they can slack off. This class I really have to make sure I'm on point. Basically, I have a different "AD-ult" mind set with the 9th graders.

Then within the 5mins. passing period I have to switch my mindframe from 9th grade teacher mode to 10th grade Honors World History. This is where I now need to go from "life skills" mode to "critical problem-posing the world" mode. I defn. need to meet my students needs. They signed up for honors. They want to be challenged. They want to think critically about the world. And we do. And it's great.

Then within the 5mins. passing period, I switch to my "regular" World History class (x2), which of course I continue the "critical problem-posing the world" mode, but now I deal with apathy, lack of motivation, silence, blank-stares, and slight behavior problems. So I need to switch it up and throw in some 'disciplinarian' mode. grr.

Then lunch comes along. And now I'm preparing/lesson planning/making copies for my AP Gov't class and Women Studies class.

Then AP Govt begins right after lunch. Then I have to go from global to local...It's defn. exciting to teach AP Govt during the election season. It's just challenging to keep up with everyday politics in the elections... at the same time finding ways to integrate the elections to understanding the way government and politics work within the election framework. YES. it's cool to discuss the debates...to discuss the issues...to discuss the candidates... but how do I go about explaining/integrating media biases, the electoral college system, primary election system, why the bill failed in the house (structure of congress)... etc. etc....as we talk about the updates of the elections? sure it is defn. more exciting and relatively easier in the season, but at the same time, there is NO TIME. we can literally sit in the classroom and discuss our thoughts and analysis of the financial crisis, mortgage crisis, etc. etc. which can take the whole entire period.. BUT... WHERE IN THE WORLD WAS I ABLE TO FIT IN teaching the framework of governance in which all these topics fall under? EH. HUSTLIN. PLUS... they need to know this for their AP exam...

Then I have 5mins. to switch my mind set to WOMYN'S STUDIES mode. This of course is waaaaay different from any of the classes I teach. This is a deep/complex course. This is a course none of the hs students ever took or will ever take in their lives. Now I must be ultra gender sensitive... be able to discuss feminist issues.... deconstruct misogyny, sexism, objectification, etc. etc. ... I LOVE IT.. But i realized.... that it's challenging to be switching mindsets and roles over and over everyday...

I feel like my students are receiving the short-end of the stick this year. I will not give up though. (Sounds cheesy).... But I refuse to be defeated with my schedule. But at the same time, this is INSANE and no teacher should be teaching this many subjects.

I hope and believe that these next months will get better...and I will figure out to work with my schedule.. and not feel like these multiple persons....and sleep early.. or get a good night's rest.. I hope to feel one.... like all these subjects just work together seamlessly... But again, these subjects bring in different maturity and behavior levels... which will always offest things.. ahhh...